Duality Theme Park

Our souls are unique expressions of God.

Our body complexes are unique creations of Soul.

We enter into Duality Theme Park wearing our divinely designed bodies in order to experience the illusion of separation. This allows our souls and God itself to learn, feel, heal, integrate, and truly recognize and experience the power of love frequency.

By purposefully limiting our infinite powers and knowledge by coming to this theme park “in character,” we learn and grow in ways we cannot on the other side. It is here where we experience the full spectrum of highs and lows, weakness and strength, love and apathy. We ride as many rides as possible — The Screamin’ Success, The Hellraiser, The Grief Gutter, The Faith Drop, The Pain Punisher, The Love Looper. We wait in long lines. We get tired. We experience disappointment when the rides breakdown and send us in another direction. And we also experience thrills, joy, excitement, laughter, and the amazing world of sensation — taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight….and if we’re lucky, we tune back into the sixth sense of Energy.

And the best part is, everyone else in the park is here for the same reason — to have one heck of an interesting experience while sharing our gifts in service to one another and God which is experiencing itself through us and as us (Soul & Body).

We’re all just here to have a good time, which from the divine perspective entails feeling everything we possibly can — riding every ride we can cram into our day while we’re here. So, you didn’t get to ride The Tech Titan because it broke down while you were in line? The ride didn’t breakdown on accident. That ride wasn’t for you. That’s simply you bumping into the guardrail of your divine path. Be grateful you received such a clear, straightforward direction. No need and no excuse to be disappointed, there are a million other rides to try out. One of them in particular will be your favorite, but no one else can tell you what that is. Why would they know?

When we take the time to remember the bigger picture of why we came to this park in the first place and find a quiet bench to be still, recharge, and refocus, we remember that this place is a specific creation with a specific purpose and that we’re lucky enough to be here and experience it for a day. When we do this a lot, we start to get fast pass tickets for the rides, the food becomes cheaper, and everyone we meet becomes kinder and wiser, giving us inside tips on how to maximize our time while in the park.

So stop taking life so seriously. While people sometimes get ejected from the park early, it doesn’t actually kill them. They’ll be back another day playing another character riding more rides. Remember, actual “Death” does not exist — only a process of perpetual integration and rebirth.

Have you ridden “Oh f*ck, what did I just strap myself into” yet? It’s scary as hell and you’ll want to get off immediately…but it’s so fun!


