Taking Action

How often do you check-in to see what's really behind the actions you take and the decisions you make? When life becomes stressful and overwhelming, we can often slip into autopilot / subconscious programming where our actions and behaviors are typically driven by fear. Conscious awareness practices help us to catch ourselves when we start to slip into subconscious programming sooner, which gives us the opportunity to change course before we exhaust ourselves. This is one major area where a consistent meditation practice starts to make a difference off the cushion -- over time we start to notice our own behavior more and more. We start to shift into the presence that observes the thinking and doing self and we can start taking action from an embodied place of love and intention. This is when our channels open up to inspiration and creativity and our intuition speaks to us loud and clear.

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Possession is Disconnection


What Does It Mean To Let Go?